
Submitted by jpamental on

It’s time. After two years (and another previous as a consultant), it’s time to wind down my involvement with Schoolyard. While I’m sure I’ll still help from time to time, the platform  is in good shape (we’ve launched over 30 sites in just over 2 years, with nearly 20 more in various stages of evolution) and the team needs to have more room to grow and take on more challenges. Likewise, I need to grow as well.

I’ve learned that I need more thinking time than was available while caught up in the press of launching so many sites and keeping up with platform development. I’ve also got a book to finish on Web Typography (sorry Patient Editor!) and a long-overdue 3rd post for, and a Responsive Design Bootcamp to put on with some wonderful friends and colleagues (

So as of the beginning of November I’ll officially be back on my own, working from The Home Office on some new projects, and a few older ones. Thanks to those who have already contacted me - I’m excited to work with you - and thanks to those who have kept in touch and have asked about new collaborations. 

Finally - I have to include a thank-you to Mark Bistline, the founder of Schoolyard, for the chance to build something special for schools who are really making great use of what we’ve created. It’s also been the opportunity for me to work with my darling wife Ellen Diamond, who has surpised and delighted me with her new-found talents as an IA, project manager and ‘client empathist’ every single day. 

A wonderful chapter to be certain, but exciting things are afoot and I’m excited to turn the page.