Lots of ‘new’ today. New version of Drupal (7), new host provider ( @linode ), new markup language (HTML5), new evolution of design based around Goudy Sans and built responsively and designed from the typography out. And new rough edges. Lots, to be honest. But overall I’m pretty pleased.
I started this redesign back in November before #FOWD but couldn’t get it done before the conference and still have a presentation written, so the site redesign got shelved. But the initial choices around the type were really interesting to me. So when I saw Jeffrey Zeldman ( @zeldman ) dive into another redesign in a very public manner I was inspired. So yesterday I jumped in as well. I started in the morning and made one decision very quickly. Since I’m spending most of my time working as Creative Director and Platform Architect at @Schoolyard I was much less concerened about the portfolio section, so I just turned it off. The writing and speaking bits are much more a focus these days, as is typography: so that made a logical choice. My goal was to launch it before bed, so practicality had to creep in as well.
I spent most of the day on design and cleanup, then sorting out @instagram feeds (still have to import a bunch), and then time setting up a new server on Linode. Jake Camara here in #PVD has been a huge help in getting to know them and setting things up, so that part wasn’t too bad, but it was a long day.
The responsive bits were one of the last areas to touch up - I had the basics in for my ‘typography-out, mobile first’ approach but had to tweak things for the various screen size break points. There’s still work to do, some artwork to redraw and edges to smooth, but there’s no time like the present. I’d welcome your feedback here or via Twitter, email, etc. This site has become a resource for a number of people for tips about Drupal, accessibility, responsive design, typography and photos of sunrises and @aProperCollie - so I hope it continues to be a good one.