
talking at DrupalCamp @ UMass about Web Strategy & Drupal (with slides)

Submitted by jpamental on

I gave a talk today at DrupalCamp ( #DrupalCampWMA ) on Web Strategy and how Drupal fits in that view of the world. I have to say I was hugely gratified with the reception - the room was packed and everyone asked a ton of great questions and sparked wonderful conversations. I've certainly written previously about what web strategy is and why I think it's so important, but what's equally vital is how Drupal can play such an integral role in enabling that strategic approach in designing and developing really compelling web solutions.

hitting the big time: presented at #pvdgeeks last night [updated with video!]

Submitted by jpamental on

If you’ve been around the Providence tech scene for any amount of time, you’ve heard about Providence Geeks. According to Jack Templin ( @jacktemplin ) and Brian Jepson ( @bjepson ), this month marks the 4th birthday of the group, and they organize a monthly dinner/drinks/presentation by a local startup, usually at AS220. Not that many get the chance to present, and it’s usually a packed room full of some of the smartest technologists in the area.

more notes on thinkinginpencil.com redesign

Submitted by jpamental on

I wanted to add a bit more on the subject of my site redesign while it’s still fresh in my mind, and pass along some thanks to those who have provided some great inspiration and feedback. My wife Ellen and long-time friend PJ ( @pjmoore_1) had some really great insights that helped me ‘be my own designer’ better than I was, and really got me excited about the process of design and the ‘doing’ of it. The design itself came together pretty nicely thanks to the solid #Drupal framework already in place.

Drupal: open_basedir errors when setting up Ubercart CC encryption keys

Submitted by jpamental on
Topics:  drupal development

[these are tailored to the Media Temple (dv) environment, but are pretty portable to other Linux/CentOS systems]

Basics of the issue are covered in this support article here:

Basically, you need to look in the root directory for your site (where the httpdocs folder is living)

First thing is to connect via SSH and move to that root directory. Usually:

Nine Technology Web Site

NineTechnology.com site

After developing the identity for Nine Technology it was time for a web presence. Since their solution for online backup and recovery is so unique, the concept of fitting the puzzle pieces together seemed fitting. Using Drupal as the back-end allows the client tremendous flexibility even in redefining the pieces of the puzzle itself: each one is its own piece of content, so new artwork, text and the underlying slide are all pulled directly from the content management system.

Categories:  designer
clients:  Nine Technology
Topics:  drupal

Long haul: late night SFO -> PHL, Drupal and the future of the web

Submitted by jpamental on
Topics:  drupal

I just spent the past 3 days in San Francisco for DrupalCon, and after such an intense immersion it does warrant some reflection. What better time than 6 hours on a plane, right? John Mayer playing on my iPhone doesn’t hurt either. There are many standout memories of the past 72 hours (almost to the minute since I landed in SFO Sunday night), but some stand taller. I’ve always been a William Gibson fan, and Tim O’Reilly quoted him well in his keynote yesterday:


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